Secure your discount up to 50% by 2024!
Secure your discount!
50% for the

Unlimited memberships

Purchase with 50% discount your unlimited biannual or annual membership!
Only in the first 300 memberships.
Swap your old armchair and slow internet for first-world workspaces and meeting rooms. Buy with a promotion this weekend, from November 24 to 27. *
*Valid for Semiannual and Annual Memberships, limited to 300 sales or while supplies last.


Salón de eventos para conferencias y presentaciones

Your outdoor office.

Salón de eventos para conferencias y presentaciones

Entertainment and care for your children.

Oficina compartida con estaciones de trabajo individuales
Stationery in one place.
Zona de lectura tranquila para concentrarse y trabajar
The best space for your photos.
Ambiente creativo en un espacio de coworking inspirador
Learn something new every day.
Salón de eventos para conferencias y presentaciones
The best space for your photos.

We expand your networking.

Mesa de trabajo con sillas ergonómicas en un espacio compartido

Enjoy good coffee.

Espacio de coworking con vista panorámica de la ciudad

Your dog is welcome.
(Pet Friendly)

Equipo de trabajo disfrutando de un café en el área común
Your podcasts with the best audio.
Espacio de coworking pet-friendly donde tu mascota es bienvenida
Comfortable and distraction-free work.
Oficina compartida con estaciones de trabajo individuales
We expand your networking.
Mesa de trabajo con sillas ergonómicas en un espacio compartido
(choose the best plan for you)

Unlimited Biannual

Get unlimited access for 6 months to all the benefits of having Passwork.
Both accesses and credits are personal and non-transferable.

$58.00 pesos per day for unlimited access to the largest coworking network in Mexico, the United States and Latam.

WeWork, IOS OFFICES, Terminal 1, Collaborate, ADN, Co-Mother and hundreds of other coworks included.

Exclusive benefits and discounts like Passworker.

Valid for 6 months.

Price + VAT in MXN


Unlimited Yearly

We give you unlimited access for 12 months or more
of 400 work centers.
Both accesses and credits are personal and non-transferable.

$52.00 pesos per day for unlimited access to the largest coworking network in Mexico, the United States and Latam.

WeWork, IOS OFFICES, Terminal 1, Collaborate, ADN, Co-Mother and hundreds of other coworks included.

Exclusive benefits and discounts like Passworker.

Valid for 12 months.

Price + VAT in MXN

Espacio de coworking con diseño eco-friendly y sostenible


(a space that brings together the benefits and discounts of our partners)

At passwork®! There is a space for you to find the discounts and benefits of belonging to our community.

Find benefits with our partner brands in various categories, such as fitness, insurance, financial services, accounting, transportation, and more.
Meet Passworker
Our spaces

Passwork without roll

(no, we are not a coworking...)

What is Passwork®?

Passwork is an application that gives you access to the best workspaces in Mexico. Why settle for just one place when you can have access to the largest coworking network?

Where are they located?

Everywhere! With Passwork, forget about geographical boundaries and explore new opportunities in different locations. We are your key to access more than 400 workspaces in Mexico, the United States and Latam. With Passwork, the world is your office!

What is coworking?

A coworking is much more than just a place to work. This is a space created to boost your creativity and exploit your potential to the fullest while enjoying services and amenities that will make your working day much more productive.

What services do I find in a coworking?

In each of the spaces offered by Passwork, you will find high speed internet, personal and collective spaces, printing and copying. But that's not all: each coworking has just what you need for that particular day, from meeting rooms, event spaces, cafeteria service, children's area, photography studios, and many more.

How does it work Passwork®?

We are a 100% flexible membership designed to adapt to your work pace no matter what it is. You can purchase Passwork on a monthly basis with a recurring charge to your card to have access to the entire network of coworkings affiliated with Passwork worldwide.

How do I contract Passwork®?

It's very simple! Get your membership here and start booking spaces, meeting rooms and everything you need to join the flexible working revolution, you're just a few clicks away from getting started! With Passwork, working has never been so comfortable. Don't forget to download the app available for Android and iOS.